Sunday 9 December 2007

Photoshop brushes - the essential companion to any long running challenge!

As a said in my last post I am conducting an advent challenge, to photograph whatever my children find behind the doors of their advent calenders each day during advent.

I have to admit that I have modified my brief a little since then.  I will now make an image of that object from a photograph and I have also decided that I will link it with a relevant bible verse.  This will support my own daily reading and it helps me ensure that my challenge does not become a preoccupation for its own sake and that God will remain at its centre.

I found these fabulous brushes on (link through the title) without which my challenge would have faltered on only day 8!  My photoshops skills are not as fabulous as they should be so this will be an excellent opportunity to develop them.

Why not check out our new 'who's online' map?  See who else is having a look!


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