Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Going all girly

There's something to be said for a touch of pink, I think anyway! So today's free lightroom preset is a quick & simple click for a gorgeous pink tinged split toning effect. If you like your pink hotter simply dial up the saturation! Click the title link for the free download as always.

Monday, 26 May 2008

Slight change to advertised program..

In that today's free download is not a texture from my industrial trip out on location but from today's more mundane walk to feed the ducks. Click the title and follow the link to download the full quality JPEG file.

Sunday, 25 May 2008

More from the tracks

As its time to start another course later this week I'll be posting some landscape shots (EEKK not comfortable territory for me..) but before then here's another from our trip out to the abandoned train tracks..... keep an eye open for some free downloadable textures from the same location over the next couple of days.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Summer's here? Location location location!

THE best thing about the weather turning good is the ability to get out and about.  After  7 or so months of shooting inside it is so liberating to be let off the leash and find somewhere nice to take some portraits.

Today we visited some abandoned train tracks which has some great opportunities or both fake rural and more industrial shots.  It is my new season's ambition to go shooting in once place I have never been before every week for the rest of the summer.

This was shot with my new 'back up buddy' a second hand D80 with my favorite lens ever (nikkor 50mm 1.8) though not fully open this is shot at f2.8 which gives just a pleasing level of depth of field at a distance, it also allows me a bigger margin than f1.8 if I'm slightly off with the auto focus points!